Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bye Bye Jackie!!!

So I have to say, I am sad that Jackie went home. I think now that she is gone, I have realized that she was my favorite. Why? Because she seemed normal.

Just when I thought that Chantal O was redeeming herself (by not crying), she goes and tells Brad she is falling in love with him. Oh Chantal, isn't it a little early for that? You have had 2 one-on-one dates and have probably know each other for less than a month.

Michelle keeps getting crazier. I swear that I saw a commercial on Lifetime for a new movie and she is an actor in it, so is clearly using the "crazy" to show her versatility as an actor. She has the "bitch please" look down, the "stink eye", the "I'm so cute and lovable", the "I am so sexy", the "I am a caring mother", I mean she really has it all. She goes from normal to bat crazy in a matter of seconds. I love to see what shenanigans she will pull next week.

And Miss Alli. You were LONG overdue to go home. There was obviously no connection, and never was going to be, how did you think there was? Brad had spent no time with you, so you must be kidding if you thought you were in the running against the other girls. That date was just awkward. I felt so bad when she told Brad "I feel more comfortable with you than I have felt with anyone." Once again, seriously diluted.

Anyways, I was sad to see Jackie go but onward and off to Anguilla!!

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