Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bachelorette Recap - Week 9

Ok - this was a hard week. I really could not tell who Emily was going to let go, although at the same time I was not too surprised to see it was Blake. He had the hardest time opening up, yet he seems more immature than Jef. Ugh, conflicted.

Does anyone else think Jef is the winner? I am avoiding the spoiler alerts, but she seems so giddy around him. I know it's awful to say, but both Jef & Arie seem like they live a more exciting, and expensive life, so maybe that was differentiation point for Emily?

Ok, i'm leaving it at that for this week...I need to digest and get ready for the Men Tell All.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lady. Can't believe I have been missing out on your Bachelorette recaps until it's almost over. I am totally digging Jef but it seems like she has better chemistry AKA kissing with Ari. Hmm....
